• Other weight loss places may make promises and guarantees, but instead of gimmicks we prefer to let the results speak for themselves. Results are dependent on individuals, so come and find out what you can achieve. On semaglutide, once you reach the full dose at 5 weeks, it is typically a steady 1-3 pound of weight loss a week.

  • With this treatment you may not start losing weight until 4-5 weeks of treatment. You will start this treatment with low doses and increase slowly to avoid negative side effects. It takes 5 weeks to be at the full dose/ strength.

  • This treatment is a particularly good fit for you if you are looking for a long term solution, you have taken phentermine or another stimulant medication (like ADHD meds) before, and/or you need to lose more than 10-15 lbs.

    You can not be treated with Semaglutide if you have:

    Medullary Thyroid cancer

    Multiple endocrine neoplasia

    Type 1 Diabetics

    History of pancreatitis (Unless cleared by a doctor)

    Chronic kidney disease (unless cleared by nephrologist)

    Nursing, Pregnant, or trying to get pregnant

  • Short moments of nausea

    Constipation or diarrhea


    Takes away desire for alcohol

  • Yes, unlike vaccines or many other shots you may think of, this injection is done with a tiny needle that only goes under the skin, not into muscle. Patients often don’t realize we already gave the shot.

  • We do not process any insurance. Unfortunately, most insurance companies refuse to cover medical weight loss, but we are happy to provide invoices for reimbursement if your insurance does. Some patients are able to get reimbursed for the visit.